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Ytinifni Etulosba or ℧ or is equal to πŸ” x Ο΄ is counted by Mathis R.V(old definition). The definition changed by Xufghgfzj and now ytinifni Etulosba is equal to πŸ”(\xπŸ”)πŸ”. Ytinifni Etulosba is a Reverse of Absolute Infinity


x\y is a notation by Xufghgfzj in Prefix-finity's.

So the sequence beyond loops (πŸ”)

It look same as absolute Infinity: πŸ”, 1πŸ”, 2πŸ”, 3πŸ”, 4πŸ”,..., πŸ”πŸ”, πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”,..., πŸ”xπŸ”, πŸ”xπŸ”xπŸ”, πŸ”xXπŸ”, (πŸ”xXπŸ”) xπŸ”, {πŸ”xXπŸ”} xπŸ”, [πŸ”xXπŸ”] xπŸ”, /πŸ”xXπŸ”/ xπŸ”, |πŸ”xXπŸ”| xπŸ”, .lπŸ”xXπŸ”l. xπŸ”, πŸ”A, πŸ”B, πŸ”C,..., πŸ”Z.

There is a one mistake by Mathis RV because there is actually 2 of the 1πŸ”. 1πŸ”(First) - One loop, 1πŸ”(Second) - Absolute One Loop. xπŸ”(Second) is Absolute Numbers but loop instead of absolute Infinity. Xufghgfzj replaced it with 1/πŸ”.

Next sequence: 2/πŸ”, 3/πŸ”, 4/πŸ”, 5/πŸ”,...,πŸ”/πŸ”, πŸ”/πŸ”/πŸ”,... πŸ”Ο€, πŸ”η”°, πŸ”(Mathis Absolutes).

And so we can make second πŸ”πŸ” yeah it is replaced with πŸ”\πŸ”. It is also old definition of Ytinifni etulosba.

After that goes πŸ”\x, where x is Bigger than Absolutely Eternal.

πŸ”\1πŸ”, πŸ”\2πŸ”, πŸ”\3πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”xπŸ”, πŸ”\.lπŸ”xXπŸ”l. xπŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”A, πŸ”\1/πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”/πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”Ο€, πŸ”\πŸ”η”°, πŸ”\πŸ”(Mathis Absolutes).

So we Reach πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ” and so next Will be: πŸ”\πŸ”\1πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”\2πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”\3πŸ”,... Up to πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”, and now we going Too fast: πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”, πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”,...

Now we Reach πŸ”\x100 which is πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\... With 100 πŸ”.

And so next sequence Like this: πŸ”\xπŸ”, πŸ”\xXπŸ”, (πŸ”\xXπŸ”) xπŸ”, {πŸ”\xXπŸ”} xπŸ”, [πŸ”\xXπŸ”] xπŸ”, /πŸ”\xXπŸ”/ xπŸ”, |πŸ”\xXπŸ”| xπŸ”, .lπŸ”\xXπŸ”l. xπŸ”, πŸ”\A, πŸ”\B, πŸ”\C,..., πŸ”\Z, 1/πŸ”\ ,2/πŸ”\, 3/πŸ”\, 4/πŸ”\, 5/πŸ”\,...,πŸ”/πŸ”\, πŸ”/πŸ”/πŸ”\,... πŸ”\Ο€, πŸ”\η”°, πŸ”\(Mathis Absolutes).

And we Reach πŸ”\\πŸ”! 2 \'s!

\\ Will work same as \:

πŸ”\\1πŸ”, πŸ”\\2πŸ”,.........., πŸ”\\πŸ”\πŸ”,..., πŸ”\\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”...

And we Will Reach πŸ”\\πŸ”\xπŸ”

After that goes πŸ”\\x, where x is bigger than πŸ”\xπŸ”

So we Reach πŸ”\\πŸ”\\πŸ” ok we skip to πŸ”\\πŸ”\\πŸ”\\πŸ” because i think you understand πŸ”\\x

When πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\πŸ”\... Will make πŸ”\xπŸ”, then πŸ”\\πŸ”\\πŸ”\\πŸ”\\... Will make πŸ”\\xπŸ”.

Next sequence: πŸ”\\xπŸ”, πŸ”\\xXπŸ”, (πŸ”\\xXπŸ”) xπŸ”, {πŸ”\\xXπŸ”} xπŸ”, [πŸ”\\xXπŸ”] xπŸ”, /πŸ”\\xXπŸ”/ xπŸ”, |πŸ”\\xXπŸ”| xπŸ”, .lπŸ”\\xXπŸ”l. xπŸ”, πŸ”\\A, πŸ”\\B, πŸ”\\C,..., πŸ”\\Z, 1/πŸ”\\, 2/πŸ”\\, 3/πŸ”\\, 4/πŸ”\\, 5/πŸ”\\,...,πŸ”/πŸ”\\, πŸ”/πŸ”/πŸ”\\,... πŸ”\\Ο€, πŸ”\\η”°, πŸ”\\(Mathis Absolutes).

And we Reach πŸ”\\\πŸ”!

So \\\ works same as \ and \\. I think you understand so we skip to πŸ”\\\\πŸ”

Next:πŸ”\\\\\πŸ”, πŸ”\\\\\\πŸ”, πŸ”\\\\\\\πŸ”, πŸ”\\\\\\\\πŸ”,...

Now we Reach πŸ”(\x10)πŸ” = πŸ”\\\\\\\\\\πŸ” because 10 \'s

πŸ”(\xπŸ”)πŸ” is equal to Ytinifni Etulosba (℧)
