Ytinifni Etulosba or β§ or is equal to π x Ο΄ is counted by Mathis R.V(old definition). The definition changed by Xufghgfzj and now ytinifni Etulosba is equal to π(\xπ)π. Ytinifni Etulosba is a Reverse of Absolute Infinity
x\y is a notation by Xufghgfzj in Prefix-finity's.
So the sequence beyond loops (π)
It look same as absolute Infinity: π, 1π, 2π, 3π, 4π,..., ππ, πππ,..., πxπ, πxπxπ, πxXπ, (πxXπ) xπ, {πxXπ} xπ, [πxXπ] xπ, /πxXπ/ xπ, |πxXπ| xπ, .lπxXπl. xπ, πA, πB, πC,..., πZ.
There is a one mistake by Mathis RV because there is actually 2 of the 1π. 1π(First) - One loop, 1π(Second) - Absolute One Loop. xπ(Second) is Absolute Numbers but loop instead of absolute Infinity. Xufghgfzj replaced it with 1/π.
Next sequence: 2/π, 3/π, 4/π, 5/π,...,π/π, π/π/π,... πΟ, πη°, π(Mathis Absolutes).
And so we can make second ππ yeah it is replaced with π\π. It is also old definition of Ytinifni etulosba.
After that goes π\x, where x is Bigger than Absolutely Eternal.
π\1π, π\2π, π\3π, π\ππ, π\πππ, π\πxπ, π\.lπxXπl. xπ, π\πA, π\1/π, π\π/π, π\πΟ, π\πη°, π\π(Mathis Absolutes).
So we Reach π\π\π and so next Will be: π\π\1π, π\π\2π, π\π\3π,... Up to π\π\π\π, and now we going Too fast: π\π\π\π\π, π\π\π\π\π\π, π\π\π\π\π\π\π,...
Now we Reach π\x100 which is π\π\π\π\... With 100 π.
And so next sequence Like this: π\xπ, π\xXπ, (π\xXπ) xπ, {π\xXπ} xπ, [π\xXπ] xπ, /π\xXπ/ xπ, |π\xXπ| xπ, .lπ\xXπl. xπ, π\A, π\B, π\C,..., π\Z, 1/π\ ,2/π\, 3/π\, 4/π\, 5/π\,...,π/π\, π/π/π\,... π\Ο, π\η°, π\(Mathis Absolutes).
And we Reach π\\π! 2 \'s!
\\ Will work same as \:
π\\1π, π\\2π,.........., π\\π\π,..., π\\π\π\π...
And we Will Reach π\\π\xπ
After that goes π\\x, where x is bigger than π\xπ
So we Reach π\\π\\π ok we skip to π\\π\\π\\π because i think you understand π\\x
When π\π\π\π\... Will make π\xπ, then π\\π\\π\\π\\... Will make π\\xπ.
Next sequence: π\\xπ, π\\xXπ, (π\\xXπ) xπ, {π\\xXπ} xπ, [π\\xXπ] xπ, /π\\xXπ/ xπ, |π\\xXπ| xπ, .lπ\\xXπl. xπ, π\\A, π\\B, π\\C,..., π\\Z, 1/π\\, 2/π\\, 3/π\\, 4/π\\, 5/π\\,...,π/π\\, π/π/π\\,... π\\Ο, π\\η°, π\\(Mathis Absolutes).
And we Reach π\\\π!
So \\\ works same as \ and \\. I think you understand so we skip to π\\\\π
Next:π\\\\\π, π\\\\\\π, π\\\\\\\π, π\\\\\\\\π,...
Now we Reach π(\x10)π = π\\\\\\\\\\π because 10 \'s
π(\xπ)π is equal to Ytinifni Etulosba (β§)